About | 關於

Welcome to the Pub-Relay of Sedi!

ActivityPub instances such as Misskey, Mastodon and Pleroma are supported.

歡迎來到 Sedi 站的 Pub-Relay 中繼!

支援 Misskey,Mastodon 以及 Pleroma 等 ActivityPub 協定的 fedi 站。

本 Pub-Relay 已關閉,請改用本站的 AodeRelay 中繼https://aode.seediqbale.xyz

This Pub-Relay has been shut down already, please use our AodeRelay instead at https://aode.seediqbale.xyz

Subscription address for the admins | 管理者用的訂閱地址





The status of instances subscribing to this relay | 訂閱本中繼的實例狀態

domain 202 accepted 502 bad gateway notes sent io read timeout follow only allowed more invalid error skip old circuit breaker open invalid activity JSON lag unverified